Friday, January 9, 2009

Starting the New Year with a Bang

NO not that kind of bang.

Though given the content of my last post, I suppose you could be forgiven for lingering in the gutter just a bit.

I am more than a little bemused at the result of having sites like IO9 and Dear Author link to my tiny little blog. I suppose it shouldn’t surprise me that my 15 seconds of internet fame, such as it is, would come as a result of writing on the topic of penises. I confess that even though I’m thrilled about the traffic, I remain a little bit embarrassed. My husband is embarrassed too (sorry honey). I’m also fairly resigned to the notion that this is a flash in the pan and I’ll be back to my usual modest numbers in another couple of days. I would love to see a general increase in my readership, but I suspect I’m looking at a pretty low conversion rate.

Then there was another bang this morning, but also not that kind: fender-bender at the doughnut shop. In my 20+ plus years of driving, this has happened exactly once before – so not a particularly common event. Egads.

I’m pretty much ready to get back to normal.

As you were, people.


Sayuri said...

You even had an anonomous heckler. You have hit the big time Nicola!

FD said...

I read... I just don't comment much. I think I have blogADD or something. *rueful*

Anonymous said...

Ugh! So sorry to hear about that!

Nicola O. said...

Sayuri, you caught that, did you? LOL. That delete button comes in handy.

FD, you have me curious. Do I know you from somewhere? Very mysterious...

JK, thank you for the sympathy. That's two dozen of the Most Expensive Donuts Ever....

Anonymous said...

Speaking from recent experience, the DA linkage is like ... you know that scene in Pulp Fiction when Uma Thurman's character is nearly dead on Eric Stolz's floor, and John Travolta injects her heart, right through the sternum with adrenaline? Yeah, that's what happened to my blog.

Anonymous said...

LOLOL @ the most expensive doughnuts ever. I shouldn't be laughing, but I've been there too.


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